WEGA Charity Bike Ride – Medium Tour

20 km Ride

Crossing to the German side, this tour follows the 8 km tour till the bridge at Minden. Continuing along the river Sûre, following the SAUERTAL Bike route, passing the “Tor zum Weinland der Eifel”.

When arriving under the bridge in Echternacherbrück make sure you keep right entering the Mindener Strasse and not riding into the Camping! Cross over the round about and continue the on the main road going north. There is a wide side walk you can use, as the road is busy. After 1.3 km you will cross the river on the “Passerelle cyclable et piétonne sur la Sûre”.

Turn left back to Echternach on the Piste cyclable des Trois Rivières (PC 3). This will take you trough the beautiful park.

After the park, passing under the bridge, please make sure you stay on the right hand side, as it is not clear! See picture below.


The rest of the tour joins up with the 8 km tour at Steinheim, returning to Rosport and the Piste cyclable des Trois Rivières (PC 3).